C Tutorial


                1. Basics of C

                2. Operators and Loops

                3. Arrays and Strings

                4. Functions

1. Basics of C

                Introduction to C

                Structure of C, Compilation and Execution

                Character, Identifiers, Keywords and Datatypes

                Constants and Variables

2. Operators and Loops

                Arithmetic, Assignment, Increment and Decrement Operator

                Relational, Conditional, Comma and Sizeof Operator

                Bitwise and Boolean Operator

                Loops in C - While Loop 

                Do while and For Loop

                Nesting of Loop, Continue and Break Statement

                If and If else Statement

                Nesting of If else and If else ladder statement

3. Arrays and Strings

                Array - Introduction, Declaration and Initialisation

                Single Dimensional Array

                Two Dimensional Array

                Strings in C - String Constant 

                String Library Function - Strlen() and Strcmp()

                String Library Function - Strcpy() and Strcar()

4. Functions

                Functions in C - Library and User defined Functions

                Function Declaration, Function Definition and Function Call

                Actual and Formal Arguments and Return value

                Function with no arguments and no return value

                Function with no arguments and but return value

                Function with arguments and but no return value

                Function with arguments and with return value

                Call by value and Call by reference

                Local, Global and Static Variables

                Recursion Function

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